
Cards (13)

  • Who conducted the study on authoritarian personalities?
  • What was Adorno's initial focus in his research?
    Understanding anti-semitism and the holocaust
  • What does Adorno believe causes high obedience in individuals?
    Disorders from individual personalities
  • How many middle-class white Americans participated in Adorno's study?

  • How does Adorno describe the development of authoritarianism?
    Developed in childhood from hard parenting and conditional love
  • What is a psychodynamic approach in the context of Adorno's theory?
    It focuses on how childhood experiences shape personality
  • What did participants who scored highly on the F-scale exhibit?
    Contempt for weak people and a preference for stronger people
  • What is a characteristic of authoritarian individuals regarding their worldview?
    They believe in right or wrong with no grey area
  • What behavior do authoritarian individuals typically exhibit towards smaller cultures?
    They look for strong power and support to target smaller cultures
  • What did Milgram and Elms find regarding obedient participants and the F-scale?
    20 of the most obedient participants scored higher on the F-scale
  • What are the criticisms of the F-scale according to Christie and Jahoda?
    • Measures attitudes only towards right-wing beliefs
    • Fails to account for similar attitudes in far-left extremists
    • Cannot determine if someone is a far-left extremist
  • How does Milgram's obedience study relate to authoritarianism?
    It links obedience and the search for power to authoritarianism
  • What are the counterarguments to the authoritarian theory regarding participant characteristics from Milgrams research?
    • Not all participants exhibited authoritarian characteristics
    • Some didn't glorify their fathers, adverse to expections
    • The link between obedience and authoritarianism is not straightforward