Light and electron microscopes

Cards (9)

  • object - what’s under microscope
    image - appearance of object when viewed under microscope
    magnification - number of times larger an image is compared to real size of object
  • Resolution is the minimum distance between two objects where they appear to be different objects
    With a high resolution you will see more details even at a higher magnification
  • Electron microscopes are better than light microscopes because even at higher magnification they have a higher resolution. This means that small objects that are very close together can still be seen as separate objects instead of being merged together
  • Light microscope
    • magnifies by using two lenses
    • focuses beams of light
    • for an object to be seen it must interfere with the light wave . wavelength of light determines smallest object which can be resolved
  • Limitations of light microscope
    • very high magnification isn’t possible
    • limited resolution
    • separate objects will be seen as one object if close together
    • if an organelle interferes with light wave it is seen
    • limit of resolution is about half of the wavelength
  • electron microscope
    • magnifies images by using negatively charged electrons and electromagnets
    • electrons passed through thin specimen then focused by electromagnets onto a fluorescent screen where the image is projected
    • electrons have a short wavelength than light meaning it can resolve smaller objects than light microscope
  • Transmission electron microscope
    • beam of electrons passed through specimen
    • see structures inside cell
    Scanning electron microscope
    • electron beam used to scan surface of structure
    • only reflected beam is observed
    • surface
  • Limitations of electron microscope
    • can’t use live specimens as slide preparation process would kill them (need a vacuum meaning no O2)
    • expensive
    • not portable