Reliability is the extent to which two or more measurements/observations are consistent with each other
Test-retestreliability is a method of assessing the same person on two separate occasions
Inter-observer reliability is the extent to which there is an agreement between two more observers
An Inter-observer reliability score is high when above 0.80
Split-half reliability is when participants scores on one half of a test are correlated with the other half
Split-half reliability provides a measure of internal consistency
Correlation Co-efficients are a method of measuring reliability by correlating the sets of scores using Pearson's rank
In questionaires reliability can be improved my removing/rewriting ambiguous questions with low test-retest reliability
In Interviewsreliability can be improved by using the same interviewer or training all interviewers to ensure there are no leading questions asked (Use structured interviews with a script)
In Observations reliability can be improved by making sure all behavioural categories are have been properly operationalised and that categories do not overlap
In Experiments reliability can be improved by using standardised procedures so that results can be compared accurately