Cell fractionation

Cards (3)

    1. Homogenisation - breaking open of cell to get access to organelles
    2. filtration of homogenate - removes unbroken cells, cell debris and membranes
    3. differential ultracentrifugation - where filtered homogenate is spun at gradually increasing speeds each time to separate different organelles in the mixture by size/density/mass
    4. nuclei - mitochondria/chloroplasts - lysosomes -endoplasmic reticulum-ribosomes
  • pellets and supernatent
    • after each spin organelles collected at bottom called pellets with unseparated organelles on top called the supernatant
    • supernatant then poured into new test tube leaving pellet in last one
    • new test tube spun again at faster pace to form a pellet containing the next heaviest organelle
  • tissue needs specific conditions
    • cold - reduce enzyme activity to prevent enzymes from destroying organelles
    • isotonic - same water potential so cells don’t take in water water via osmosis causing them to shrink or burst
    • buffered - constant ph to prevent enzymes and proteins from becoming denatured