millennium development goals - 189 countries in the UN committing to achieving 8 goals eg halving extreme poverty and promoting gender equality by the target date of 2015
what are the 8MDGs?
eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
achieve universal primary education
promote gender equality and empower women
reduce child mortality
improve maternal health
combating HIV/AIDs, malaria and other disease
ensure environmental sustainability
develop a global partnership for development
how many people have been lifted out of poverty?
1 billion, since 1990
how has child mortality changed?
halved from 1990
failures of the MDGs
the worlds poor remain concentrated in some parts o the world eg africa
women continue to die during pregnancy or from childbirth-related complications, progress tends to bypass women
disparities between rural and urban areas remain pronounced
what are SDGs?
sustainable development goals
when were the SDGs agreed on?
2015 at the COP21 Paris climate conference
What does the UN post-2015 development agenda expand on?
It expands on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).