Age in the media

Cards (5)

  • Representations of age
    • Functionalists argue that these representations are an essential part of the socialisation process
    • Mass media functions to equip children and young people with appropriate values and norms required to be good citizens
    • Media stories about children and young people reinforce social expectations as to how those groups should behave and, importantly, what happens to them when they do not
    • Help to control the behaviour of young people socially
  • Childhood
    • Cute - babies and toddlers eg. Pampers adverts
    • Consumers - pester power and advertisements on the TV. Parents are forced to buy the latest products for their children and often force poor parents into debt eg. Veruca Salt
    • Little angels - idealised way, innocent and no malice eg. Perfect Peter
    • Little devils - children seen as 'cheeky monkeys' but are appealing and naughty eg. Bart Simpson
    • Victims eg. Madeline McCann
    • Prodigies eg. Young Sheldon
    • Acessories eg. Toddlers 'n' Tiaras
  • Childhood - Heintz-Knowles
    • Study of children on television found that children are often portrayed as motivated primarily by peer relationships, sports or religious issues
    • Rarely shown as coping with societal issues such as racism or with major family issues such as child abuse and domestic violence
    • 40% of television drama, nevertheless, depicted children engaged in anti-social actions, such as lying and bullying
    • EVALUATION - more recently, there are more drama issues being represented
  • Childhood
    • Children are also represented in TV commercials in ways that socialise them to become active consumers
    • encouraged by television advertising and film merchandising to have an appetite for toys and games
    • Evans and Chandler - emergence of pester power
  • Youth
    • There is a whole media industry aimed at socially constructing youth in terms of lifestyle and identity
    • Magazines, record companies, mobile phone companies all targeted at young people