Factors affecting heart rate

Cards (9)

  • Exercise increases the rate of aerobic respiration
  • Carbon dioxide (the waste product of aerobic respiration) will increase in concentration in the blood
  • Carbon dioxide increase causes the volume of hydrogen ions in the blood to increase, causing the pH to decrease
  • Change in pH is detected by chemioreceptors in the carotid artery
  • Sensory neurons carry neural transmissions from the carotid artery to the medulla oblongatus
  • Neural transmissions travel along the autonomic nervous system to the sinoatrial node
  • The sinoatrial node increases the frequency of its waves of electrical activity
  • The sinoatrial node's increase in activity increases the frequency of the atrioventricular node's waves of electrical activity
  • The atrioventricular node's increase in activity increases the frequency of ventricle contractions from the base of the septum upwards