Sexuality in the media

Cards (37)

  • What role do the mass media play in shaping young people's knowledge about sexuality according to Batchelor (2004)?
    The mass media shape the knowledge and attitudes of young people about sexuality.
  • What positive aspect of sexuality representation did Batchelor discover in the media?
    Some aspects of sexuality were positively represented by publicizing sexual health information.
  • How was the right of girls to 'say no' represented in the media?
    It was given prominence in several teen dramas and magazines.
  • What assumption did Batchelor and colleagues find in media coverage regarding young people's sexual activity?
    It was assumed that young people were sexually active.
  • How were contraception and managing sexual activity represented in the media?
    They were represented as female responsibilities.
  • What was emphasized in references to pregnancy in the media?
    Pregnancy was emphasized in letters to problem pages centered on girls' worries about getting pregnant.
  • What differences did the study find in how young men and women talked about sex in the media?
    Female characters discussed sex with friends, while male characters boasted about their sexual prowess.
  • How were girls and boys portrayed in terms of their interests regarding sex in the media?
    Girls were portrayed as more interested in their emotions, while boys were represented as more interested in sex.
  • What general portrayal of gender dynamics was observed in magazines and television dramas?
    Boys/men were portrayed as pursuers and girls/women as pursued.
  • What was noted about the representation of lesbian and gay teens in the media?
    There was a lack of positive images of lesbian and gay teens.
  • How was being gay typically represented in mainstream media according to Batchelor and colleagues?
    Being gay was represented as a source of anxiety or embarrassment, or as a target for teasing and bullying.
  • What did Dyer (2002) observe about the visibility of being gay?
    Being gay does not show; it requires stereotypical signs to be made visible.
  • What does Dyer argue about the media's construction of 'signs of gayness'?
    The media construct stereotypical signs of gayness to make the invisible visible.
  • What concept did Gerbner et al (1986) introduce regarding media representation of gays and lesbians?
    They introduced the concept of 'symbolic annihilation' of gays and lesbians.
  • How are homosexual characters often portrayed in popular drama according to Craig (1992)?
    They are often stereotyped as having amusing or negative psychological and social characteristics.
  • What is a common representation of gay characters in the entertainment media?
    The 'camp' character or comedian.
  • How does Dyer define 'camp'?
    Camp is a way of handling dominant culture through irony, exaggeration, and theatricalization.
  • What is the perception of camp characters by heterosexual media audiences?
    Camp characters are generally regarded as non-threatening figures of fun.
  • What negative stereotype is associated with the 'macho' representation in media?
    The 'macho' representation exaggerates masculinity and is regarded as threatening.
  • How are gay characters often depicted in television dramas?
    They are often depicted as deviants, evil, or as sexual predators.
  • What did the research by and Stonewall (2011) conclude about the LGBT community in media?
    The LGBT community is undergoing symbolic annihilation and often portrayed as comedic relief.
  • How much of the programming aimed at young people focused on LGBT-related characters or issues according to Stonewall?
    Only 6 hours out of 126 hours of programming focused on LGBT-related characters or issues.
  • What was the portrayal of gay men in the coverage examined by Stonewall?
    Gay men were often depicted as effeminate, bitchy figures of fun, or as predatory and promiscuous.
  • What criticism did lesbian respondents have regarding their portrayal in television?
    They criticized television for portraying their community in narrow ways as either 'butch' or 'lipstick lesbians.'
  • What did the majority of the LGBT sample in the BBC survey believe about sexuality in media portrayals?
    They believed that sexuality should not be the defining feature of the portrayal of LGBTs.
  • What was significant about the UK’s first transsexual character on BBC?
    It was played by a transsexual actor.
  • What did Glaad report about LGBT characters in major studio films released in 2014?
    Only 7 of the 17 films featuring LGBT characters had them not solely defined by their sexual orientation.
  • What has changed regarding media representations of transgender characters in recent years?
    There has been an increase in positive representations of transgender characters on American television.
  • How have advertisers recognized the 'pink economy'?
    Advertisers have recognized that many gay men and women have large disposable incomes to spend on consumer goods.
  • What is the portrayal of homosexuality in the right-wing press?
    Homosexuality is consistently presented as wicked, sinful, and unnatural.
  • What has been the response of the right-wing press to legislation aimed at equality for gay people?
    Editorials have often strongly opposed such legislation.
  • What is a downside of user-generated content on social media for the LGBT community?
    It can lead to a significant amount of homophobic comments.
  • What criticism did BT face regarding internet filters for children?
    BT was criticized for blocking access to gay and lesbian lifestyle content.
  • What are the key criticisms of mass media representations of LGBTs?
    • Increase in positive representations but still stereotypical and judgmental.
    • LGBT community often portrayed as comedic relief.
    • Symbolic annihilation of LGBT identities.
  • What are the main findings regarding LGBT representation in UK mass media?
    • Limited positive portrayals of LGBT characters.
    • Predominantly negative stereotypes.
    • Lack of realistic and diverse representations.
  • What are the differences in media representation of transgender characters compared to other LGBT groups?
    • Increased positive representation in recent years.
    • Notable shows featuring trans characters.
    • Recognition of trans actors in leading roles.
  • How has the internet impacted LGBT representation?
    • More positive representations through user-generated content.
    • Support for same-sex marriage and LGBT rights.
    • Presence of homophobic comments and content.