key words 9

Cards (47)

  • activation products
    Atomic nuclei that become radioactive because they have absorbed neutrons that change them into less stable nuclei that emit ionising radiation.
  • aerodynamics
    the study of airflow over surfaces
  • barrage
    a dam built across an estuary to generate tidal power
  • compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)

    an early design of low-energy light
  • combined heat and power station (CHP)

    A power station that has a high overall energy efficiency
    -> heat energy from the condenser cooling water is harnessed and used
  • concentrating solar power
    method of increasing the intensity of solar energy by using a parabolic array of mirrors to reflect light into a smaller area
  • directional drilling
    drilling of wells for oil or gas that are not vertical
  • embodied energy
    the amount of energy that was used to make and install an item
  • energy density
    amount of energy in a particular mass of fuel
  • fuel cell
    an electrochemical device that produces electricity from the chemical reaction between two substances (usually hydrogen or an alcohol) and oxygen.
  • grays
    a unit of energy absorbed from ionising radiation
  • Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT) 

    wind turbines where the blades rotate around a generator that has a horizontal axis of rotation
  • hydraulic fracturing
    a method using high pressure fluids to open cracks in fine-grained shales to allow trapped oil and gas to flow so it can be extracted
  • hydroelectric power (HEP)

    method of generating electricity using the downhill flow of water to turn turbines and generators
  • hydrodynamics
    study of the flow of water
  • hydrogen economy
    the proposal that hydrogen produced by electrolysing water could be used as the main fuel to meet a country's energy demands
  • incineration
    the breakdown of a waste by burning it
  • in-stream turbines

    tidal turbines that are rotated by marine currents but without having a barrage to focus the water flow
  • kinetic energy recovery system (KERS)

    a method of slowing a vehicle by using the kinetic energy of the vehicle to turn a flywheel or charge batteries
    -> The stored energy is used for acceleration which reduces the amount of fuel that needs to be used.
  • laser fusion
    a developmental nuclear fusion technique that uses a laser beam to cause fusion in beads of frozen hydrogen
  • limecrete
    an alternative to concrete that has a much lower embodied energy as it uses calcium hydroxide rather than cement
  • methane hydrate
    a solid compound of methane trapped in ice crystals
  • nuclear fission
    nuclear power that involves the splitting of the nuclei of large atoms
    ->uranium 235 + plutonium 239
  • nuclear fusion
    nuclear power that involves the joining of the nuclei of small atoms
    -> hydrogen 2 + 3
  • oil shales
    fine sedimentary rock that contains kerogen
  • pantograph
    the electricity pick up on the roof of a locomotive that allows the use of electricity from overhead cables
  • peak shaving
    process of storing surplus energy to satisfy later peaks in demand
  • photothermal
    a system that converts light into heat
  • photovoltaic
    system that light into electricity
  • plutonium reactors
    nuclear fission reactors that use plutonium as the fissile fuel
  • power to gas systems (P2G)
    a method of using surplus electricity which would be wasted to produce methane gas
  • primary oil recovery
    extraction of crude oil where oil is forced to the surface by pressure of water beneath the oil
  • pumped storage
    an energy storage system where surplus electricity is used to pump water from a lower reservoir to a high one
  • rammed earth
    wall construction method where materials are compacted because no cement is used
    ->clay, soil, straw
  • secondary fuel
    an energy soil that is produced by the conversion of a primary fuel
  • smart motorways
    method of relieving traffic congestion which allows driving on the hard shoulder and reducing speed limits during periods of heavy traffic flows
  • tar sands
    very viscous crude oil found in sand
  • tertiary oil recovery
    the extraction of crude oil where the viscosity of the oil is reduced
    -> e.g injection of steam or solvents
  • thermal mass
    a measure of the ability of a material or structure to absorb and store heat
  • thorium reactor
    reactor that uses thoruim 2332 as a fertile fuel