Personality: our characteristics and the patterns of thoughts and feelings and the way in which we interact with our environment and other people that make us unique.
Girdano’s narrow band trait theory: there are two types of personality type a and type b.
Type A people have strong ambition, are usually stressed, highly competitive and prone to success.
Type B people are not actively trying to be successful, not prone to stress and not competitive.
Eyesenk’s 4 primary personality types: extrovert, introvert, neurotic and stable.
RAS: reticular activating system.
Extroverts have a naturally low arousal so seek it from external stimulation.
Introverts have naturally high levels of arousal within their brains so tend to avoid external stimulation.
Social learning theory: our personality changes with each situation and that the environment influences our behaviour.
Interactionist approach: we are all born with certain characteristics however these can be modified by interacting with the environment.