
Cards (9)

  • what are river regimes?
    the annual variations of river discharge
  • what is river discharge?
    the volume of water that moves past a certain point in the river channel per second
  • what affects river regimes?
    climate, geology and soils
  • how does climate affect river regimes?
    • in glacial areas, an increase in temperature can create higher levels of meltwater, which increases river discharge, a drop in temperature will increase the amount of water stored in the cryosphere = decreases river discharge --> flow
    • hotter temps = more evapotranspiration --> output = intense short periods of rainfall more river discharge
  • how does geology affect?
    • porous and permeable rocks allow more water to percolate, increasing baseflow and decreasing river discharge + act as aquifers - groundwater storage = flows into river slower = steady regime
    • impermeable rocks that lack joints cause greater levels of direct runoff and saturated overland flow
  • how does soil type affect river regimes?
    some soil types retain water more easily than other soil types e.g. sandy soils have more air spaces between grains than clay soils = water can infiltrate quickly through sandy soils but may either go into groundwater storage in clay soils or rise to the surface in puddles
  • describe the river regime of the Yukon river?
    location: Alaska and Canada
    • very low discharge in winter but a rapid rise in discharge in the early spring as rising temperatures cause rapid snowmelt
    • soils are prone to permafrost, which are impermeable all year round = overland flow will happen quickly once snowmelt occurs
  • describe the river regime of the Amazon river?
    location: South America
    • gradual rise in discharge
    • the dry and wet season are not that different --> due to high levels of rainfall in most months which infiltrates the ground quickly due to thin soils and sedimentary rocks that dominate the Amazon basin
  • describe the river regime of the Indus river?
    location: South and Central Asia
    • it's fed by snowmelt from the Himalayas in the spring
    • during June to September (monsoon months), the river is fed by regular precipitation
    • dry season from October to March = water deficit so lower discharge
    • drainage basin is largely consists of igneous and metamorphic rocks = less permeable so the river can quickly swell in volume during the monsoon season