Cards (6)

  • Urine charts

    • rich patients would regularly send urine to doctors to check that they weren't ill
    • used by doctors to diagnose and treat patients
    • doctors used to taste and smell urine to test it
  • Zodiac charts
    • physicians used zodiac charts to decide on best time for treatment
    • believed parts of the body were linked to zodiac signs and planets
    • showed doctors when to avoid treating each part of the body
  • Regimen Sanitatis
    • loose set of instructions provided by doctors to maintain good health
    • only the rich could afford
    • bathing was important as bad smells indicated miasma
    • everyone washed their hands before they ate - cleanliness is next to Godliness
  • Bleeding
    • used leeches to bleed people
    • done by a barber surgeon or doctor
    • used a bleeding chart to show where to do it
  • Herbal Remedies
    • remedies made from herbs, minerals and animal parts
    • prayers said while picking ingredients
    • wise women knew recipes off by heart
  • Surgeons/Surgery
    • used wine as antiseptic
    • used natural substances as anaesthetics (e.g opium, hemlock, gall of boar), however they were ineffective and could be deadly
    • performed external surgeries (e.g facial ulcers, eye cataracts) and internal surgeries (e.g removing bladder stones)
    • deep wounds caused death from bleeding, shock and infection
    • some surgeons believed it was good when pus was in wounds