The Black Death

Cards (6)

  • What was The Black Death?
    A disease that spread through England in 1348 through rats that got on boats that went through the silk routes. Fleas would've jumped from rats onto humans and infected them.
  • Year of The Black Death?
  • What did people believe caused The Black Death?
    • Sent by God as punishment for sin
    • Breathing in bad air
    • Imbalance of the Four Humours
  • Prevention of The Black Death (Authorities)
    • Quarantining: people new to an area had to stay away from people and houses that had been affected were isolated for 40 days
    • Strangers were not allowed to enter a village
    • Local authorities stopped cleaning the streets: believed smells from waste would drive away bad air
    • Large gatherings were banned
    • Huge burial sites were created to bury the dead in mass graves
  • Treatment of The Black Death
    Lancing (effective): cutting the buboe to let pus and infection out, if buboes were lanced in time the person could've recovered
    Self-flagellation (ineffective): whipping yourself to repent sins, would hurt person more by creating more cuts that could get infected
  • Prevention of The Black Death (The People)
    • Confession
    • Prayer
    • Fasting
    • Carrying posies