Cards (4)

  • what is utilitarianisms view on pre-marital sex?

    if happiness is equated with hedonic pleasures rather than with sense of well-bring and happiness then utilitarianism can be used to legitimise a free, unregulated approach to sexual behaviour. Because giving people license to have pre-marital sex can maximise pleasure
  • what is a strength of utilitarianism approach?

    liberation- allows consenting adult to be free to do what they want only sexual relationships cause harm considered wrong (adultery)- if consented should not be seen wrong.
  • what did Mill say?

    have right to decide what they want to have sexual intercourse- may be before marriage because sexual relationships are guided by freedom.
  • what is a weakness of utilitarianism approach?

    Bentham- against- protects women from men being used for pleasure. Pre-marital sex leads to unhappiness- spread of STIs should be protected.