
Cards (13)

  • Deviation from social norms

    When somebody behaves differently to majority, they are abnormal. E.g. being gay where it is criminalised
  • Abnormality, statistical infrequency 

    Where a behaviour is statistically infrequent in terms of number of times it is observed being rare.
    E.G. 2% people IQ below 70 is rare
  • Failure to function adequately 

    Unable to cope with life with personal distress and inability to perform basic behaviours such As self care
  • Deviation from ideal mental health

    Good self esteem, self actualisation, master of environment, resistance to stress, independence, accurate perception of reality
    Deviation from this is abnormal mental health
  • Positive of statistical infrequency
    Objective measure of abnormality
    quantitive data
    Less bias
  • Negative of statistical infrequency
    Some things are infrequent but desirable- for example high IQ is infrequent but desirable
  • Positive of deviation from social norms

    Helps diagnosis - anti social personality disorder which allows people to receive help
  • Negative of deviation from social norms

    Culturally relevant-eg homosexuality less accepted certain cultures so definition not universal
    Time relevant- eg homosexuality less accepted pre modern times so definition not universal
  • Positive of failure to function
    Considers individuals perspectives - if someone feels unable to cope they can seek help
  • negative of failure to function
    Too much focus on individual who may not self report if: in denial or afraid
  • negative of failure to function
    Too much focus on individual who may not self report if: in denial or afraid
  • Positive of deviation from ideal mental health
    Positive approach and gives qualities to strive towards
  • Negative of deviation from ideal mental health

    Standards too harsh so many classes as abnormal, cant be used alone to define abnormality
    Culturally relevant- values like independence more important in certain places