Studying cells & microscopy

Cards (12)

  • What is cytology?

    The study of cell structure
  • What does a higher resolution mean?

    more detail seen on the image
  • What does a 0.2um resolution power mean?

    that if 2 objects are closer ogether than 0.2um they are seen as ONE OBJECT in the image
  • what is resolution?

    a measure of the microscopes ability to distinguish between 2 points which are close together on an objectg
  • what is the magnification equation?
  • What is the resolution of a light microscope?

  • what is the resolution of an electron microscope?

  • Give 3 advantages of light microscopes?
    small. easy to use. relatively cheap
  • give disadvantages of light microscopes?

    rely on light (wave length)
    resolution limited to 0.2 um - any details less than 0.2um will appear blurry so not good enough to study subcellular structure
  • who uses electron microscopes and where?

    used by scientists in labs
  • what is the maximum resolution of an electron microscope?
    0.1 nm
  • how many times better are electron microscopes than light microscopes?

    2000 times better