
Cards (15)

  • Validity - does it measure what it is saying it measures
  • Reliability - the results are the same every time
  • data - data that has been collected from different sources. such as, the news or past studies
  • Primary data - data that is collected by the researcher
  • Quantitative data - measured in numbers, easily compared
  • Qualitative data - data recorded with words, more detailed
  • Experiment - research method where the iv is purposely manipulated to see effect on dv
  • Hypothesis - a presice statement about the relationship between two variables, must be operationalised
  • Standardised - procedure and environment are the same for every participant
  • Mundane realism - how realistic a study is compared to the real world
  • Confounding variable - variable that changes as the iv changes, changes in dv may be due to cv rather than the iv
  • Bias - systematic distortion of results/sampling etc...
  • Generalisation- apply the findings of a study to the population
  • Correlation - the relationship between two variables
  • Causation - cause and effect relationship