The Great Plague

Cards (9)

  • Year of The Great Plague?
  • Responses to the plague that were science-based/rational
    • People thought that buboes were a symptom of syphilis, if they caught syphilis they would not catch the plague
    • Most believed that disease could be spread from person to person by 1665
    • People pierced buboes with a feather from a live chicken
  • Responses to the plague that were superstitious/religious
    • Many believed plague was result of mankind's wickedness, God has sent the plague to clean his kingdom
    • Recipes for herbal remedies were very popular (in the form of medicines, poultices or rubs)
    • The most popular theory about spread of the plague was miasma that had been created by rubbish and dunghills
  • What was the plague spread by?
    fleas jumping off of rats onto people and biting them
  • How was the spread of the plague prevented (Authorities) ?
    • Victims were quarantined in their houses with watchmen on guard to stop people going in or out
    • Public events like plays, funerals and fairs were banned to prevent gatherings of large crowds
    • Pigs, dogs, cats and other animals were ordered to be kept inside
    • Barrels of tar and bonfires were lit in the street to clean the air
  • Ideas of the cause
    • God sent the plague as punishment for sins
    • Unusual alignment of the planets had caused miasma
    • Rotten waste caused miasma
    • Disease was spread from person to person
  • Treatments of the plague
    • Prayers for the sick
    • Wearing religious/magical charms
    • Herbal remedies
    • Bloodletting
    • Purging
  • How was the spread of the plague prevented (The People)?
    • Strong smelling flowers and herbs placed over doorways and windows to prevent bad air entering the houses
    • Held posies to their noses when walking in the streets
    • Chew tobacco as the strong smell would fight off any bad air carrying the plague
  • Why were the government's rules hard to enforce?
    There were very few authorities in London to check and punish behaviour and so the mayor had to rely on people just following his orders