evaluation of gender bias in psych

Cards (5)

  • there is much evidence of gender bias in some of the psychological theories
    e.g. alpha bias in BOWLBY's monotropic theory and beta bias in social psychology research
  • the examples of bias given are all from late 19th and early 20th century.
    modern day psychology will not be practiced in the same way
    e.g. BELSKY ET AL's research found that high levels of marital intimacy were related to secure father-infant attachments
  • modern research into topics like conformity or obedience would be considered as lacking credibility to they used all male samples as ASCH and MILGRAM did
  • not all key theories in psychology are guilty of gender bias
    e.g. behaviourists, PAVLOV and SKINNER produced universal theories that apply equally to both genders
  • not all theories will achieve universality as there are some important gender differences that should not be disregarded