Cards (11)

  • What did Jenner realise about milkmaids?
    if they caught cowpox, they didn't catch smallpox
  • How did he prove his smallpox theory?
    by repeating the Phipps experiment 23 times
  • When did the government make the vaccine compulsory?
    1852 - however the government had a laissez-faire attitude to interfering with health
  • When did the government start strictly enforcing the vaccine?
    1872 - people would be fined for not having their children vaccinated
  • How much did Jenner receive from the government for testing?
  • Who didn't support Jenner and why?
    • The Royal Society didn't support because the Church didn't support him
    • Doctors who made money from inoculation
    • The Church didn't like him using a disease from a cow
  • When was the smallpox epidemic?
  • What year did Jenner develop a vaccine that would prevent smallpox?
  • How did Jenner test his theory about smallpox?
    • Selected a healthy eight year old boy called James Phipps
    • Took cowpox from a sore on a milkmaid's hand and inserted it into Phipps' body via two cuts
    • Observed that Phipps experienced uneasiness, a loss of appetite and a headache as a result of the disease but became well again
    • Phipps was then inoculated with smallpox but no disease followed
  • What did Jenner do in 1798?
    Published a book describing how to prevent people catching smallpox by injecting them with cowpox
  • What did WHO declare in 1980?
    That smallpox had been completely wiped out