Demography - ageing population

Cards (33)

  • What are the three factors that indicate an ageing population?
    Increasing life expectancy, decline in infant mortality, and decline in fertility
  • How can the ageing population be illustrated?
    By an age pyramid
  • What does the age pyramid show about the population structure?
    It shows how older groups are growing while younger groups are shrinking
  • What does Hirsch (2005) state about age groups in society?
    The building blocks between the age groups are becoming more equal
  • What is the definition of the dependency ratio?
    The proportion of the population who rely on state and welfare benefits compared to those in employment
  • Who are considered an economically dependent age group?
    The non-working old
  • What do the working ages provide for the non-working old?
    Support through taxes for pensions and healthcare
  • How does the dependency ratio change as the number of old people increases?
    The dependency ratio increases
  • What is the current ratio of pensioners to working-age individuals?
    For every 3.2 pensioners, there is 1 person of working age
  • What is the predicted dependency ratio by 2033?
    It is predicted to fall to 2.8
  • Why is it misleading to categorize old people as economically dependent?
    Because the age of retirement is growing
  • What is the retirement age for both men and women starting from 2020?
    66 years old
  • How does the increase of old people in the dependency ratio relate to children?
    It is affected by the declining number of dependent children
  • What is ageism?
    The negative stereotyping and unequal treatment of people based on their age
  • How can ageism manifest in society?
    Through discrimination in employment and unfairness within healthcare
  • What does ageism lead to in terms of social status for older individuals?
    It causes them to have a dependent status and a stigmatised identity
  • What does Marxist Phillipson (1982) argue about old people in capitalism?
    They are no use to capitalism as they are no longer working
  • What is the impact of structured dependency on older individuals?
    They are often outcast from paying jobs and depend on family benefits
  • How does modern society structure age-related identities?
    As a fixed series of stages, such as youth and childhood
  • What do postmodernists argue about life stages?
    That orderly stages in life have been broken down
  • How do postmodern trends affect older individuals' lifestyles?
    They provide more opportunity and greater choice of lifestyle
  • What does Hunt (2005) argue about age and identity?
    Age no longer determines who we are and what we do
  • How are retailers and the media targeting older individuals?
    By marketing 'body maintenance' and 'rejuvenation' schemes
  • What are some examples of products aimed at older individuals?
    Cosmetic surgery, gym equipment, and anti-aging products
  • What does Pilcher (1955) say about inequalities among the old?
    That gender and class significantly impact inequalities
  • How do middle-class pensions compare to those of poorer old people?
    Middle-class tend to have better pensions and higher savings
  • What challenges do older women face regarding pensions?
    Lower earnings lead to lower pensions
  • What percentage of old people reported age discrimination according to Age Concern?
  • What does Hirsh (2005) suggest about social policies for the ageing population?
    They need to be changed to tackle problems caused by the ageing population
  • How can we finance a longer period of old age according to Hirsh (2005)?
    By paying more from our savings and tax while working
  • What does Hirsh (2005) recommend for older people regarding accommodation?
    To move into smaller accommodation to afford more for themselves
  • What are the implications of an ageing population on society?
    • Increased dependency ratio
    • Need for changes in social policies
    • Greater demand for healthcare and pensions
    • Shift in family dynamics regarding care
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach to the ageing population?
    • Increased awareness of age-related issues
    • Opportunities for older individuals to engage in society

    • Ageism and discrimination persist
    • Economic dependency concerns
    • Inequalities based on gender and class