Cards (20)

  • why easter is important (eggs)
    Easter: · Commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus, the most important event in history.
    God's love· Reveals God’s love for the world, because he sent his Son to die to save humanity.
    Gives hope· For Christians, Jesus’ resurrection gives hope in an afterlife.
    Sin:Jesus’ death paid the price for human sin, repairing our relationship with God.
  • the crucifixion (MOCKING)
    · Mocked
    · Offered wine and gall
    · Crucified at Golgotha
    · ‘King of the Jews’ was written above him.
    · In between two robbers.
    ·  Became as dark as night, at noon.
    · Jesus cried out to God before he died.
  • the resurrection
    · Described by St Paul: ‘he was raised on the third day… he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time… Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me.
    · Shows Jesus was God and gives hope for an afterlife.
  • the ascension
    · When Jesus rose into Heaven.
    The end of Jesus’ time on Earth and the start of the church.
    • Catholic christians see Lent as a time of fasting and prayer and so they fast on certain days during lent, and abstain from meat on others.
    • Other christians may choose abstain from a particular luxury during Lent (eg: chocolate)
  • Palm Sunday
    comemorates Jesus' entry to Jerusalem.
    In anglican + catholic churches : worshippers hold small crosses made of palm leaves.
  • maundy thursday
    comemorates the day of Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples
    common for christians to receive the eucharist on this day
    priest may wash the feet of some members of the congregation , reflecting Jesus' washing his disciples' feet at the Last Supper.
  • Good friday
    • remembers Jesus' death on the cross
    • in church services, christians reflect on the meaning of Jesus' suffering+ death
    • in some places, the story of Jesus' death is retold in passion plays
  • easter sunday
    • remembers Jesus' resurrection
    • orthodox christians greet each other by saying "he is risen", to which the response is "truly he is risen"
    • it is common to give easter eggs, which is a symbol of the resurrection
  • Other views
    • quakers do not celebrate easter , believe that every day is a holy day, and there is no need to mark out particular days holier than others.
    • Jehovah's witnesses do not celebrate easter, believe that easter was originally a pagan festival and Jesus only comannded the disciples to commemorate his death, not his resurrection.
  • many christians feel that christmas + easter has become too commercialised, and the religious message has been lost.
  • easter
    christian festival that celebrates Jesus' resurrection
  • lent
    a 40 day period from ash wednesdayv that remembers the period that Jesus spent fasting in the desert
  • holy week
    the week before easter , during which the last days of Jesus' life are commemorated.
  • evangelism
    preaching the christian message to other people, stems from the Great commisssion in the Bible.
    • some christians believe that Jesus physically rose into heaven
    • others believe it is more symbolic , showing that Jesus' time on Earth was over.
    • either way , this is an important passage as it marks the end of Jesus' time on Earth + the beginning of the Christian church as an organisation.
  • Jesus' instructions to his disciples
    "go and make disciples of all nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you"
  • importance of evangelism
    • Jesus commanded his disciples to go + make more disciples after he rose from the dead, in the Great Commission
    • St Paul, an important apostle who was active shortly after Jesus' death, spent most of his time evangelising
    • some christians may evangelise out of compassion for those who do not know God , especially those who believe that Christianity is the only way to get to heaven
    • evangelism is an important way of maintaining church membership, which is needed to raise funds + encourage volunteers to serve the church.
  • ascension
    when Jesus rose into heaven, 40 days after the resurrection.
  • Holy week days :
    • Palm Sunday: commemorates Jesus' entry to Jerusalem, in Anglican + catholics - they wave crosses made of palm leaves
    • maundy Thursday: commemorates the day of Jesus' Last supper with his disciples. common for Christians to receive the Eucharist on this day.
    • Good Friday: remembers Jesus' death on the cross . in church services Christians reflect on the meaning of Jesus' suffering + death .
    • easter sunday: remembers Jesus' resurrection. orthodox Christians greet each other by saying "he is risen" response : "truly he