Collects soundswaves and channels them into the ear canal where the sound is amplified
in the ear canal, sound waves cause vibration in the ear drum, which triggers movement of the hair cells in the inner ear, called the cilia. The cilia discharge electrical impulses that are routed through the auditory nerve to the brain
A membrane located at the end of the ear canal that vibrates and moves when sound waves hit it
what is in the middle ear
auditory ossicles, three small moveable bones that connected to the eardrum and one another and are called malleus, incus, and staples
the eardrum is also called the tympanic membrane and is a thin membrane that separates between the outer and middle ear
As the eardrum moves, it vibrates the small ossicles to amplify the vibrations of sound waves.
Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup
otherwise known as Malleus, Incus, Staples
Eustachian Tube
A tube connecting the middle ear to the nasal and mouth area
function of the eustachian tube: to equalise the pressure of either side of the eardrum.