Cards (95)

  • What is a neonate?
    A newborn in the neonatal period
  • What is the neonatal period?
    From birth through 28 days of life
  • What are the essential concepts of newborn care?
    • Newborn experiences biophysical changes post-birth
    • Nursing care is based on these changes
    • First hours after birth are an adjustment period
    • Ongoing evaluation and adjustment of care plans
    • Balance family privacy with monitoring needs
  • What are the goals of newborn care during the initial postpartum period?
    1. Establish and maintain airway, breathing, circulation
    2. Maintain warmth and prevent hypothermia
    3. Ensure safety and prevent injury/infection
    4. Identify actual and potential problems needing attention
  • What vital signs should be monitored for signs of respiratory distress syndrome?
    Respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature
  • What are the continuing care goals for newborns?
    • Protect from injury or infection
    • Facilitate parent-newborn relationship
    • Provide information about the newborn
    • Assist in developing healthy childrearing attitudes
  • What physiological changes occur in the newborn within 24 hours after birth?
    Major organ systems undergo physiological changes
  • What factors influence how a newborn adapts to extrauterine life?
    Maternal status, intrapartum conditions, physiological capacity
  • What is the transition period for a newborn?
    Crucial adaptation phase after birth
  • What happens during the first period of reactivity in a newborn?
    Newborn breathes rapidly and exhibits grunting
  • What is the average respiratory rate for a newborn?
    40 respirations per minute
  • What is the normal heart rate range for a newborn?
    100160 beats per minute
  • What is the average blood pressure at birth for a newborn?
    75/42 mmHg
  • What are the changes in the newborn's cardiovascular system after birth?
    • Ductus venosus becomes ligamentum venosum
    • Ductus arteriosus becomes ligamentum arteriosum
    • Foramen ovale usually becomes obliterated
  • Why are changes in the cardiovascular system necessary after birth?
    The lungs must oxygenate blood instead of the placenta
  • What is acrocyanosis?
    Cyanosis of hands, feet, and perioral area
  • What is the normal respiratory rate for newborns?
    30 – 60 breaths per minute
  • What is the significance of the first breath for a newborn?
    It requires significant pressure to inflate lungs
  • What are the signs of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)?
    1. Apnea
    2. Grunting
    3. Sternal retraction
    4. Nasal flaring
    5. Generalized cyanosis
    6. Weak muscle coordination
    7. Poor suck
  • What does meconium look like after birth?
    Soft and yellowish in color
  • What color is the transition stool on the 2nd to 3rd day of life?
    Greenish in color
  • What is the typical volume of a newborn's stomach?
    60 – 90 ml
  • What are the characteristics of breastfed and formula-fed stools?
    • Breastfed: light yellow, sweet smell
    • Formula-fed: yellow, prone to constipation
  • When should a newborn pass urine after birth?
    Within 24 hours after birth
  • How does the immune system of a newborn function?
    Immature, allowing entry of organisms
  • What is cold stress in newborns?
    A significant decrease in body temperature
  • What are newborn reflexes?
    • Reflex actions from the central nervous system
    • Disappear or are inhibited by frontal lobes
    • Track nervous system progression through reflexes
  • When do most newborn reflexes disappear?
    Before the 3rd and 4th months
  • What is the palmar grasp reflex?

    • Fingers grasp when pressed
    • Present from birth to 3-4 months
  • What is the rooting reflex?

    • Mouth opens and turns head toward stimulus
    • Present from birth to 3-4 months
  • What is the Moro reflex?

    • Arms abduct and extend when startled
    • Present from birth to 4 months
  • What is the plantar grasp reflex?

    • Toes curl when sole is touched
    • Present from birth to 6-8 months
  • What is the asymmetric tonic neck reflex?

    • Arms/legs extend on side head is turned
    • Present from birth to 2 months
  • What is trunk incurvation reflex?

    • Not fully described in the material
    • Typically involves trunk movement in response to stimuli
  • What is the palmar grasp reflex?

    The baby grasps fingers placed in hands
  • What is the age range for the palmar grasp reflex?
    Birth to 3-4 months
  • What triggers the plantar grasp reflex?

    Touching the sole at the base of toes
  • What is the age range for the plantar grasp reflex?
    Birth to 6-8 months
  • What happens during the rooting reflex?

    The baby turns head and sucks when stroked
  • What is the age range for the rooting reflex?
    Birth to 3-4 months