Palaentology= study of fossils and the fossil record
Comparative anatomy= study of similarly and differences between organisms anatomy.
Comparative biochemistry= similarities and differences between the chemical makeup of organisms
Fossils are formed when animal and plant remains are preserved in rocks.
Over long periods of time sediment is deposited to form layers.
Different layers correspond to different geologicaleras.
Shows how organisms have changed over time.
Evidence provided by fossil record
Fossils of simplestorganisms are found in earliest rocks, more complex organisms are found in recent rocks. So support evolutionary theory that simple life form gradually evolved to more complex ones.
Sequence in which organisms are found matches their evolutionarylinks to each other.
Study similarities in the anatomy of fossil organisms, to show how closelyrelated organisms have evolved from commonancestors.
Allow relationships between extinct and livingorganisms.
Fossil record not complete
= Many organisms are soft bodied so decompose quickly before they have a change to fossilised.
Other fossils may have been destroyed by earth movements.
Homologous structures= structure that appears superficiallydifferent in different organisms ut has the same underlying structure.
Provides evidence for divergent evolution.
Divergent evolution= when closely related species diversify to adapt to new habitats as a result of migration or loss of habitat.