Cards (5)

  • stage 1
    • fast flowing water on the outside bank causes erosion through abrasion and hydraulic action which undercuts the bank and forms a river cliff
  • stage 2
    • helicoidal flow is a corkscrew movement, the top part of the flow hits the outside bank and erodes it
    • the flow then corkscrews down to the next inside bend where it deposits its load as friction slows the flow
  • stage 3
    • fast flow causes vertical erosion on the outside bend
    • this deepens the river bed resulting in an asymmetrical cross-profile
  • stage 4
    • sand and pebbles are deposited on the inside bank where the current is slower forming a gentle slip-off slope
  • oxbow lake
    1. water on the outside bank undercuts the bank and form a river cliffwater on the outside bank undercuts the bank and form a river cliff
    2. helicoildal flow erodes the outside bank and deposits its load
    3. fast flow means vertical erosion will occur and the neck of the meander will break through
    4. deposition will block the meander off and create an oxbow lake