Cards (3)

  • Cross-cultural evidence for more than two gender roles
    • Fa'afafine of Samoa, Navajo of North America
    • Increase of non-binaries - cultural changes
    • Gender dysphoria and identity best seen as a social construction than a biological fact due to forces heteronormative binary expectations
  • Research supports separation anxiety disorder and gender dysphoria correlation
    • Zucker et al. - 64% of boys with gender dysphoria also had SAD, compared to 38% of boys with some gender concerns but not gender dysphoria diagnosed
  • Counterpoint to Zucker et al.

    • Cole et al. - 435 people with gender dysphoria
    • No greater incidence of psychiatric conditions such as SAD than in a non-GD population
    • Furthermore, SAD may not be causal - third variable of Atism may have a causal role