Cards (4)

  • Shift of focus
    • Changed focus of offending explanations
    • Moved emphasis away from early biological explanations, such as from Lombroso
    • Deviant social circumstances may be more to blame than deviant people
    • Offers a more realistic solution than those offered by other explanations, such as eugenics
  • Counterpoint to shift of focus

    • Runs the risk of stereotyping individuals from criminal, poor backgrounds
    • Exposure to pro-criminal values is sufficient to produce offending
    • Ignores that people may not offend, as not all exposed offend
  • Wide reach
    • Can account for offending within all sectors of society
    • Some offences are more clustered among inner-city, working-class communities, as well as affluent groups
    • Sutherland was particularly interested in white collar crime and how it may be a feature of deviant middle-class social groups
    • Therefore, DAT offers explanations for all offences
  • Difficulty testing
    • It is difficult to test the predictions of differential association
    • Many of Sutherland's principles are not scientifically testable as they are not operationalised - it is hard to measure the quantity of pro and anti-criminal attitudes that one has been exposed to
    • We cannot know at what point the urge to offend is realised and the offending career triggered
    • Therefore, DAT does not have scientific credibility