Cards (3)

  • stage 1
    • formed where there is a junction between a hard rock capping upstream and soft rock downstream
    • differential erosion - the river erodes the softer rock and the water falls vertically from the hard rock to the soft rock below
  • stage 2
    • splash back causes hydraulic action to weaken the rocks behind the fall of water
    • pieces of soft rock break off and an indentation is formed at the base
    • continued undercutting means that the hard rock capping loses support and overhangs the drop
  • stage 3
    • the unsupported cap rock breaks off
    • the fallen rock breaks up and is caught in the turbulent flow of water
    • some rocks become trapped and drill into the bed which creates a plunge pool
    • undercutting continues creating a new overhang
    • as this repeats the waterfall retreats upstream leaving a gorge downstream