
Cards (4)

  • Gender bias - androcentric
    • Freud - women should develop a weaker superego; little reason for anyone to identify with women due to their low status
    • Electra complex's solution is less satisfactory
    • We should see more women as criminals than men - this is not the case
    • Therefore, Freud's work suffers from alpha bias
  • Research support for overdeveloped superego
    • Goreta - Freudian-style analysis of 10 offenders
    • Diagnosed disturbances in superego
    • Each offender experienced the need for punishment - possibly due to overdeveloped superego
    • Therefore, this research supports the role of psychic conflicts and overdeveloped ego as a basis for offending
  • Counterpoint to Goreta
    • If correct, we should see harsh parents raising children with overwhelming guilt
    • Evidence suggests the opposite - Kochanska et al.
    • Therefore, this questions the relationship between harsh parents and feelings of excessive guilt
  • Lack of falsifiability
    • Applications to crime are not open to empirical testing due to the focus on the unconscious
    • Arguments such as inadequate superego can only be judged at face value due to the absence of supporting, scientific evidence
    • Therefore, psychodynamic explanations are regarded as pseudoscience and contribute little to our understandings of crime