Cards (6)

  • precipitation (physical)

    • depends on how quickly precipitation gets into the river channel
    • surface runoff is the fastest
    • continuous heavy rain results in a higher discharge
    • sudden bursts of heavy rainfall results in infiltration being slow
    • prolonged light rainfall if the soil is already saturated
  • relief (physical)

    • height and slope of land
    • steep slopes - more surface runoff
    • steep sided valleys
    • low lying flood plains - no slope for surface runoff
  • geology (physical)

    • rock found in mountains is impermeable rock
    • the rock is bare with thin soils and little vegetation to intercept rain
    • low lying areas contain impermeable clay - difficult for infiltration
    • flooding is less likely in areas of permeable rock
  • urbanisation (human)

    • greater area covered by buildings and roads
    • homes are being built on greenfield sites
    • houses being built on flood plains
  • deforestation (human)

    • reduces interception and rocks no longer take water form soil
    • soil becomes saturated, surface runoff occurs and river discharge increases
  • farming (human)

    • bigger fields = less hedges = less interception
    • once crops are harvested there is not interception from the vegetation
    • fields soak up rainfall through infiltration, using polytunnels to extend growing season reduces this ability of infiltration