Types of memory

Cards (25)

  • What are the three types of memory?

    sensory, short term, long term
  • What are the three factors of memory?
    Capacity, Duration and Coding
  • What is capacity?
    How much the memory store can hold?
  • What is duration?

    How long can memories be held for?
  • What is Coding?

    The form in which infomation can be stored
  • What are the factors of sensory memory?
    Capacity is the potentially unlimited, Duration is 0.5 seconds and Coding is raw
  • What did Baddeley find about sensory memory?

    Sensory enables us to watch films - a rapid series of frozen images processed through sensory memory.
  • What are sensory stores?

    Places where memories are stored in relation to different sences.
  • What is the Echoic store?

    Sound infomation
  • What is the Iconic store?

    Visual infomation
  • What is the Olfactory store?

    Fragrent infomation
  • What are the factors of short term memory?

    A limited capactiy, Duration of 18-30 seconds and Coding is aucoustic
  • Explain Jacobs procedure and findings

    He created the digit span, which assesses how much infomation your short term memory can hold. PPS has to immediately recall a sequence of letters which increases by a number each time. (1234,12345)
  • Explain Millers findings
    Concluded that the capacity of short term memory is 7+-2. In order to increase this capacity people chunk infomation together.
  • What is maintenace rehersal?
    If we want to remember something for a brief period of time we need to repeat it to ourselves.
  • Explain Peterson and Petersons study of duration of STM
    PPS were shown a trigram (ABC,XYZ) and after various time intervals (3,6,9,12,15,18 seconds) were asked to recall the original trigrams. PPS were prevented from rehersing the letters by being asked to count backwards form 100.
  • What were the findings of Peterson and Petersons study?

    As time intervals increase, PPS could recall less. At 3 second intervals pps recall 80%, but by 18 seconds recall was less than 10%.
  • Explain Baddeley's explaination for coding in short term and long term memory

    He gave PPS one of four word lists to learn
    1. Aucoustically similar
    2. Aucoustically dissimilar
    3. Semantically similar
    4. Semantically dissimilar
    PPS either recalled the list immediately or after 20 minutes
  • What is Aucoustically similar
    Sound the same - Hat, Cat, Sat and Bat
  • What is Aucoustically dissimilar

    Sound different - Hat, Stage, Ball
  • What is semantailly similar
    Mean the same - Big and large
  • What is semantically dissimilar

    Mean different - Gate and big
  • What are the findings of Baddeley
    PPS did worse with aucoustically similar words in short term is coded according to sound, as similar information conflicted with each other. (sound is a memory hook)
    For long term memory, they did worse with semantically similar words, suggesting meaning is the memory hook
  • What are the factors of long term memory?

    Capacity is unlimited, Duration is a lifetime and Coding is semantic
  • What was Bahrick's study
    392 american uni grads were shown photos from their high school yearbook, pps had to match names to faces.
    14 years after graduation: 90% could match
    47 years after graduation: 60% could match