multi-store model

Cards (8)

  • Multi-store model: A representation of how memory works in terms of three stores called the sensory register, short-term memory and long-term memory. It also describes how info is transferred from one store to another, what makes memories last and what makes memories dissapear.
  • Sensory register:
    • All stimuli from the environment passes into the SR.
    • It has one register for each of our five senses.
    • Duration is very brief.
    • It has a high capacity.
    • Info only passes to the STM if you pay attention to it.
  • Short-term memory:
    • Information is coded mainly acoustically and lasts around 18 seconds.
    • STM is limited and can only hold around 7 pieces of information.
    • We can keep information in the STM as long as it is rehearsed.
    • If not rehearsed it is forgotten.
  • Long-term memory:
    • Permanent memory store.
    • Coded semantically.
    • When we want to recall information we have to ‘retrieve’ it so it goes back into the STM.
  • MSM Evaluation (Strength):
    • There is support from many studies which say that STM and LTM are different.
    • For example Baddley who showed a difference in coding.
    • These studies show that each store is speperate.
  • MSM Evaluation (limitation):
    • Many of the studies done used artificial stimuli which means it is hard to generalise into everyday activity.
  • MSM Evaluation (limitation):
    • Shallice and Warrington found that there could be more than one STM store.
    • This suggests that the MSM is wrong in claiming that there is only one.
  • MSM Evaluation (limitation):
    • Prolonged rehearsal may not be needed to transfer to the LTM.
    • Elaborate rehearsal is needed instead which mean the MSM doesn’t fully explain how information is transferred.