Structural model of personality

Cards (8)

  • what did freud say about the mind
    -rather than having one intergrated whole mind our psyche is seperated into 3 distinct parts which often work against each other.
    -these 3 parts are the ID Ego and superego
  • outline the Id
    -part of unconscious mind and works on pleasure principle
    -primitive biological part of the mind present in new-born infants
    -consists of basic biological drives or impulses such as hunger and thirst
    -these biological drives motivate us to behave in certain ways and humans are motivated to satisfy urges and wishes.
    -urges put us in a state of arousal and when they are satisfied arousal is reduced
  • outline the ego
    -develops as the child grows and part of the conscious mind
    -aims to gratify the id impulses in line with what is realistically possible by considering the environment it is in
    -works on the reality principle
    -has a role in defending the unconscious mind from displeasure using defence mechanisms
  • Outline the superego
    -develops last (during the phallic stage of development)part of conscious and unconscious mind
    -internalised representation of the same sex parent of who the child comes to identify with
    -works on the morality principle
    -violating superego standards causes feelings of guilt
  • outline defence mechanisms
    -are unconscious and is used by the ego to protect itself and manage conflict between id and superego
    -provide compromise solutions to deal with resolvable conflict between the id and superego
    -provide a strategy to reduce anxiety which weakens the ego's influence
  • define repression
    -forcing a distressed memory out of the conscious mind
  • define denial
    refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
  • define displacement
    -transferring feelings from true source of distressing emotion onto a substitute target