psychosexual stages

Cards (17)

  • what did freud suggest

    -all children go through 5 age related stages of development
    -at each age the libido focuses on one area
  • what is the mnemonic used for psychosexual stages
    -old age pensioners love guinness
  • outline the oral stage (0-18 months)

    -focus of libido is the mouth
    -child is being breastfed and weaned
    -they are passive receptive and dependent
    -also focus on exploring with their mouths
    -they will pick up and suck objects
  • what are the possible causes of fixation in the oral stage
    weaned too early/weaned too late
  • outline possible results of fixation
    -smoking ,biting nails, chewing gum, sarcasm ,nastiness
  • outline the anal stage (1-3 yrs)

    -focus of libido is on the anus as this is when potty training takes place
    -ego develops as parents impose restrictions
    -first time child experiences any sort of control(expulsion/retention of faeces)
  • outline possible causes of fixation in anal stage
    -overly harsh/lax potty training
  • what are the possible results of fixation in the anal stage
    -if anally retentive: overly controlled, uptight ,obsessive
    -if anally expulsive: messy, disorganised, thoughtless
  • outline the phallic stage (3-6 yrs)

    -focus on genitals
    -curiosity and examination
    -superego develops through the resolution of the Oedipus or Electra complex
    -identification with same sex parent leads to the formation of gender identity
  • what are possible causes of fixation in phallic
    -no father figure/dominant mother figure
  • what are possible results in phallic stage
    -sexual anxiety/self obsession/envy
  • Outline Oedipus complex (phallic stage)
    -boys go thought Oedipus complex in phallic stage
    -have unconscious sexual feelings for their mother
    -fear their fathers as they have castration anxiety
    -in order to overcome this fear the child identifies with his father taking on beliefs values and morality
    -bc of this the boy develops a superego
  • outline electra complex (phallic stage)

    -girls develop penis envy
    -they are aware their dad has one and develop sexual feelings for him
    -they start to see their mother as a rival for the father
    -as the mother also does not have penis the girls blame their mother for their own lack of penis believing the mother has castrated her
  • Why are girls different to boys in terms of superego development

    -girls realise they can possses their father by identifying with their mother.
    -however as penis envy does not invoke the same fear as castration anxiety the girl does not identify with her mother as strongly and so has a weaker superego
  • what did freud say females never do

    -resolve the Electra complex and so are not as moral as boys.
    -girl replaces her penis envy with her desire for a baby
  • outline latency stage (7-11yrs)

    -earlier conflicts are repressed
    -sexual urges sublimated into sports and other hobbies and a focus on developing same sex friendships
    -no specific requirements for successful completion
  • outline the genital stage (puberty onwards)

    -focus on genitals but not to the same extent as the phallic stage
    -the task is to develop healthy adult friendships
    -a consequence of unresolved conflict would be difficulty forming heterosexual relationships