Computer systems process data, to store one piece of data a variable is efficient however with larger amounts lists, etc are very efficient
In linear data structures the data items can be arranged in a linearsequence, this is found with arrays as data is all of the same type
Non-linear data structures have data items not in sequence
2 examples of a non-linear data structures are?
Homogenous is where all elements are of the same data type, such as an array
Non-homogenous is where elements can be of many types, such as most data structures
Static data structures have a constant size and structure-associated memory locations which are fixed when the program is compiled
An example of a static data structures are arrays
Dynamic structures shrink or expand ad-hoc. Their associated memory locations may also change.
An example of a dynamic data structure is linked lists
Label :D
A) Array names
B) Data elements
C) Index
Syntax to declare a basic array assuming array is imported and it will hold the values 0 to 5 in 5 indexes? (its called Arrayname)
Arrayname = array.array('i', range(6))
What is a quick way to make an array with the string values apple and orange, and red and orange (two-dimensional), assume name is array_name and array is already imported?
How would you access apple if it is in a two dimensional array named array_name, and is in the first array in the second slot?
array_name [0][1]
When should the array module be used?
When a function needs to be used while making the array such as a range
If you use the len() function on a two dimensional array it will return the number of rows
To get the len() function to return number of columns you must specify the row of the array
To ensure a variable is recognized as a tuple you must place a comma after it
Syntax to create a tuple with one element the integer 1?
tuple = (1,)
An index value of -1 returns the last item in a tuple
The 'in' operator allows you to check whether an item is in a tuple
syntax to check if the string 'one' is in the tuple 'tuple1' and print true if it is or false if not?
print ('one' in tuple1)
A record is declared, what psuedocode synyax is used to declare one called employee with an id as an integer named id and a name which is a string of name?
employee = record
integer id
string name
end record
Can you make a record in python?
What is the syntax of assigning a constant in python?
You can't
Mutable means you can change a value inside of it or add/remove values
Stacks are first in last out data structures
Queues are first in first out data structures
Are queues and stacks mutable?
no they can be mutable or immutable
What are used to make queues and stacks?
Arrays and linked lists
Array representations of linear queues or stacks needs variables that point to the front and rear.
A stack or queue is required to have a variable that holds the length of it
Name an operation exclusive to stacks?
First in first out item choosing is used for queues
What is the equivalent of append and the equivalent for pop in Linear queues?
Elements in a queue are placed in the/at the?
Elements in a queue are retrivied from the?
Processors process tasks that are taken from queues
Queues can use priority to move them to certain points within a queue