
Subdecks (1)

Cards (39)

  • What was Romanticism a revolt against?
    Science, authority, materialism, and discipline
  • What did Romanticism affirm?
    Individuality, imagination, and national heritage
  • What was Romanticism a natural reaction to?
    The strictures of the 18th century
  • From what forces did Romanticism emerge?
    The same forces that gave rise to the American and French Revolutions
  • What years are commonly associated with the English Literature period of Romanticism?
  • How did Romantic writers believe the world should be viewed?
    Through the heart, not the mind
  • What did writers long for during the Romantic period?
    The simplicity and purity of the past
  • What new perspective did Romanticism offer?
    A focus on nature and 'common people'
  • What was the Romantic writers' response to industrialization?
    A deep attachment to nature
  • What year is customarily set as the beginning of Britain's Romantic Age?
  • Who published "Lyrical Ballads"?
    William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • What themes did Romantic writers concern themselves with?
    The primitive, the bizarre, the irregular, and the unique
  • How did Romantics view the individual in relation to society?
    The individual was far more interesting than society
  • What was of primary concern to the Romantics?
    The individual’s relationship to nature
  • How did Romantics perceive society compared to nature?
    Society was seen as problematic and corrupt, while nature was vital and nurturing
  • What are the key differences between Classicism/Rationalism and Romanticism?
    • Scientific observation and logic
    • Concerned with society as a whole
    • Followed standards and traditions
    • Optimistic about the present

    • Examination of inner emotions and imagination
    • Concerned with the individual and common people
    • Desired radical change and favored democracy
    • Felt that nature should be untamed
  • How did Romanticism define poetry?
    As the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”
  • What does "Poetry takes origin from emotion recollected in tranquility" mean?
    Poetry originates from emotions that are reflected upon in a calm state
  • What should poetry deal with according to Romanticism?
    “Incidents and situations from common life”
  • How does the poet present ordinary things according to Romanticism?
    With a certain coloring of imagination to present them in an unusual way
  • What does Romanticism incorporate in poetry?
    Human passions with the beautiful and permanent forms of nature
  • How is nature viewed in Romanticism?
    As a wild, free force that inspires poets
  • What are the key concepts of Romanticism?
    • Nature: Interest in untamed and disorderly scenery
    • Spontaneity and Natural Genius: Emphasis on spontaneous thought and action
    • Poet-prophet: A person with a special faculty setting them apart
    • Imagination: The poet's unique gift and man's important endeavor
  • What is the core essence of Romanticism?
    • Defiance of the establishment
    • Buttressing of individualism
    • Development of individualism in poetry
    • Embrace of the natural world in poetic form
  • What themes did many Romantic poets revere in their works?
    Idealism, emotional passion, and mysticism