Piaget proposed that cognitive development was a result of two influences…
maturation and the environment.
Maturation is due to the biologicalprocess of ageing. It is a linear process that cannot be regressed.
The environmental influence on cognitive development involves the child interacting with their surroundings and learning about them through experience. This makes their understanding of the world more complex.
Schemas play a large role in cognitive development as they represent concepts, learned from interactions with the environment.
Infants are born with a few, simple schemas, such as the difference between an object and a humanface.
Piaget suggests that schemas become more complex by…
Assimilation and Accomodation
Assimilation: when an infant uses an existingschema when attempting to learn new information. Thus it involves incorporating new info into the existing schema.
Accomodation: adapting existing schemas to understand new information that doesn’t fit. This is used when new information cannot be assimilated into existing schema, so a new one must be created.
Piaget also proposed that the motivation for learning was a result of experiencing cognitive disequilibrium. In order to restore equilibrium (balance) an individual seek to equilibrate, either accommodating or assimilating new info into schemas.
Study for AO3: Fantz
Infants (4 days old) measured by time spent looking.
Preference for schematicface over jumbled up features (control).
Research support for innate schemas.
May be due to symmetry - extraneous variables.
Low internal validity.
Study for AO3: Bennett
Children taught via formal methods read/wrote did math better.
Lack of success for discovery learning.
More time spent on core topics in formal learning.
Discovery learning: more sensitivity and experience needed.