Cards (37)

  • What is the primary role of media in society according to Functionalist Theory?
    To provide news and updates, context, cultural values, and entertainment.
  • How does media contribute to socialization?
    By transmitting cultural values and supporting education.
  • In what way does media mobilize public action?
    By encouraging public action on social issues.
  • What are the opportunities provided by new media and ICT advances?
    • Interactivity
    • Speed
    • Cost-efficiency
    • Integration
    • Access to relevant knowledge
    • Empowerment for marginalized groups
    • Enhanced community networking
  • What is a Community Multimedia Center (CMC)?
    A center that combines radio and internet to offer locally relevant content.
  • How do Community eCenters (CeCs) help bridge the digital divide?
    By providing internet access in remote areas.
  • What sector has become a major economic contributor, outpacing OFW remittances?
    The BPO sector.
  • How do e-government services improve efficiency?
    By fostering transparency and public participation.
  • How do new media tools assist Filipino migrant workers?
    They help them stay connected with their families.
  • What are pay-per-call schemes?

    They charge unexpected fees for calls.
  • What type of scams mislead users into financial loss?
    Email scams, such as lottery winnings and fake inheritances.
  • What are the potential dangers of unwanted and harmful content online?
    They can include spam emails, online predators, and exploitation.
  • What is ransomware?
    Malware that locks or encrypts digital files and demands payment.
  • How is hacking defined in the context of cybercrimes?
    Unauthorized access to systems or data to steal or damage information.
  • What is cyberbullying?
    Harassment or bullying conducted through digital platforms.
  • What is phishing?
    A method to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information.
  • What are MOOCs?
    Massive Open Online Courses that offer online learning to large numbers of students.
  • What was the first MOOC and who created it?
    Connectivism and Connective Knowledge by Stephen Downes and George Siemens.
  • How did MOOCs grow rapidly after their inception?
    Stanford's AI course in 2011 enrolled 160,000 students.
  • What are the key features of MOOCs?
    • Accessibility
    • Scale
    • Course Structure
    • Learning Steps (Orient, Declare, Network, Cluster, Focus)
  • What is Web 2.0 also known as?
    The Participatory Web or Read-Write Web.
  • How does Web 2.0 differ from Web 1.0?
    Web 2.0 allows user participation and content creation, while Web 1.0 was read-only.
  • What are the key features of Web 2.0?
    Network effects, platform simplicity, toolbox concept, and user-generated content.
  • What are the barriers to learning with Web 2.0?
    • Reluctance to participate
    • Technical problems and glitches
    • Time to learn new media and platforms
  • What is the definition of digital media?
    Media that is published online and allows users to easily share content.
  • How do photos and videos enhance online learning?
    By visually conveying information and engaging students with multimedia.
  • What is the purpose of podcasts?
    To provide audio programs available digitally, including lectures and discussions.
  • What are the educational uses of graphic design?
    To help students understand and present information visually.
  • What is the definition of data visualization?
    Converting data into visual formats to make information accessible.
  • What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
    A network that connects everyday objects for data collection and communication.
  • What is the definition of Virtual Reality (VR)?
    Immersive experiences in simulated, computer-generated environments.
  • What are the popular programming languages for app development?
    HTML5, Java, and Swift.
  • What are the three essential literacies integrated into Media and Information Literacy (MIL)?
    • Media Literacy
    • Information Literacy
    • Technology Literacy
  • How does Media and Information Literacy (MIL) benefit individuals?
    It enhances personal, professional, and civic engagement.
  • What does the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) aim to improve?
    Public service delivery and reduce inefficiencies.
  • What is included in a Citizen's Charter?
    Agency's mandate, service steps, fees, processing times, and feedback options.
  • How does support the goals of ARTA?
    By empowering citizens to advocate for good governance.