Cards (8)

  • What is correspondence?
    Where the actus reus and mens rea don't correspond, the liability of the accused shouldn't exceed the harm encompassed by their mens rea
  • Which is an example of an offence that has the actus reus and mens rea correspond?
  • Which are examples of offences that has the actus reus and mens rea do not correspond?
    Murder, Unlawful Act Manslaughter, s47 and s20
  • How does Unlawful Act Manslaughter not follow the correspondence principle?
    Mens rea doesn't recognise D's conduct was likely to cause harm - only mens rea of unlawful act (Newbury and Jones)
  • How does Theft follow the correspondence principle?
    Clear mens rea relates to actus reus
  • How does Murder not follow the correspondence principle?
    Intent to cause grievous bodily harm does not correspond with the actus reus
  • How does s47 not follow the correspondence principle?
    Mens rea is of lesser offences of assault/battery
  • How does s20 not follow the correspondence principle?
    Mens rea is of intent/recklessness to cause some harm