Cards (6)

  • What is brain plasticity?

    The brain's ability to change and adapt because of experience.
    The brain continues to make neural pathways and alter existing ones in response to changing experiences.
  • What is synaptic pruning?

    Between the ages of 2-3 the brain experiences its most rapid growth in the number of synaptic connections.
    As we age the rarely used connections are deleted/dormant and those regularly used are strengthened.
  • what is a key study to support plasticity?

    Maguire et al -London taxi drivers
    MRI scans found significantly more grey matter in the posterior hippocampus.
    Found a positive correlation between time in the job and the pronounced structural difference.
    Shows the brain can permanently change in response to frequent exposure of a task.
  • What is devernation supersensitivity?

    That axons that do a similar job become aroused to a higher level to compensate.
    The transfer of functions from a damaged area of the brain after trauma to other undamaged areas.
    Allows brain to adapt or repair.
  • What is neuronal unmasking?

    Dormant synapses (which have not received enough input to be active) open connections to compensate for a nearby damaged area of the brain.
    Stimulated recovery can occur.
  • What is axon sprouting?

    New nerve endings connect with undamaged cells.
    allows new connections in the brain to be activated - or the brain to continue to use the secondary neural pathways.