threats to energy pathways and energy security

Cards (26)

  • example of states insecurity domestic fossil fuel reserves
    countries like Italy and Japan have few of their own resources
  • example of states insecurity domestic renewable potential
    small, crowded nations like Singapore and South Korea lack renewable potential
  • example of states insecurity domestic energy mix
    France relies heavily on nuclear power, and the UK on gas
  • example of states insecurity import pathway mix

    the UK imports gas from Russia and Qatar, both long distance pathways
  • what are energy pathways?

    flows of energy from producer to consumer
  • what are some ways energy is transported?
    pipelines (oil and gas), bulk carriers (coal, uranium), LNG tankers (gas) or oil tankers
    electricity is also imported and exported
  • what do energy pathways rely on?

    bilateral and multilateral agreement between governments
  • what is a bilateral agreements?

    treaty/agreements between two states
  • what is multilateral agreements?

    treaty/agreement with two or more sovereign states
  • what are transit states?

    countries that host pipelines, carrying energy from one place to another
  • examples of pipelines
    east siberian pacific ocean (espo)
    yamal -european pipeline (russia, poland, germany, austria)
    keystone (canada, texas)
    west-east gas pipeline project (WEPP)
    kazakhstan- china oil pipeline
  • why did the energy prices go up in the UK?

    competition from asian markets
    how much it relies on gas from russia
  • why is France not suffering from problems with energy supply?

    they own nuclear power stations
  • how are Norway and Sweden no being effected by energy supply?

    hydroelectric power
  • how does Germany avoid problems with it's energy supply?

    it's huge amounts of oil
  • why does Britian have problems with energy supply?
    it uses lots of natural gas but have limited capacity for keeping it in storage, so has to rely on imports
  • why is the UK's energy supply not being supplemented by France anymore?

    the system of transportation was badly damaged by a recent fire
  • why is energy price caps a problem for customers?

    when small companies lost all their money and went bankrupt, then large companies won't take on accounts from failed rivals
  • why may energy pathways be disrupted?

    price and payment disputes
    terrorism and conflicts
    political discord
    diversion of supply
    technical disruptions
    supply runs out
    natural disaster
  • why are choke points important for transport of oil?

    disruption to narrow ocean choke points could seriously affect the flow of oil
  • choke points around the world

    Panama Canal
    Suez Canal
    Straight of Malacca
  • what % of world gas reserves do Russia and the Middle East hold?

    Russia- 25%
    the Middle East- 40%
  • 2009 Russia and Ukraine gas dispute
    Russia blames Ukraine for stopping transit of gas
    Ukraine says that Russia are sending too little gas that is viable for their lack of technology
    Russia has doubled its prices for Ukraine
    2014 - Russia takes over Crimea
    2021 - Russia invades Ukraine
  • what is energy dependency?

    a measure that calculates the proportion of total energy consumption that is dependent upon imported energy
  • what is peak oil?

    the point at which the worlds production of petroleum reaches it maximum rate
  • when did the world meet peak oil?

    2008 - we are using more then we had