Electron microscopy uses a beam of electrons instead of light to magnify the specimen, allowing for higher resolution and greater detail.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) uses a beam of electrons to pass through a thin specimen, producing a high-resolution image.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) uses a beam of electrons to scan the surface of a specimen, creating a detailed 3D image.
What's the calculation for magnification?
Magnification = Image size / Object size
What is the function of a stage micrometer?
To calibrate an eyepiece graticule so that it can be used to make measurements
What is the function of a stage micrometer?
To calibrate an eyepiece graticule so that it can be used to make measurements
Outline the procedure to preparing a slide
* Stain the sample with the appropriate dye
* Mount the sample onto the slide
* Place a coverslip carefully on top of the slide, avoiding air
Define Magnification
Magnification is how much an image has been enlarged by compared to the actual size of the object
What unit are cells and organelles usually measured in?
Micrometers (µm)
What is resolution?
The degree to which it is possible to distinguish between two close objects as being separate.
Why do we need microscopes?
The human eye can only see objects as small as around 50μm (0.05mm) so a microscope is required to see cells in any detail
How does light travel?(EM)
In waves
How many objective lenses does a light microscope have?
It has 3 objective lenses (X4, X10, X40) on the rotating mouthpiece
Why can’t we see organelles like ribosomes using LM?
Light ranges from 400-700nm, with mitochondria having a diameter of 1000nm, making them visible, while ribosomes, with a diameter of 22nm, are too small to be seen under visible light.
The stage micrometer is a special microscope slide etched with a ruler exactly 1mm long, with 100 divisions
The stage graticule is used to calibrate the eyepiece graticule
Staining in microscopy is the process that helps to distinguish different cell features