Cancer quiz

Cards (6)

  • What is a tumour?

    A mass of cells/tissue caused by uncontrolled mitosis/cell division.
  • If DNA in a cell is damaged, a protein called p53 stops the cell cycle. Mutation in the gene for p53 could cause cancer to develop. Explain how.

    Cancer cells often have faulty/damaged DNA so p53 will be faulty or not made. The cell divides and uncontrolled division produces cancer.
  •  Some tumours are benign and some are malignant. Give one way in which a benign tumour differs from a malignant tumour.

    Benign does not cause cancer / does not invade other tissues causing damage.
  • Describe two ways in which both types of tumour may cause harm to the body.

    They may damage organ concerned, cause blockages / obstructions or damage / exert pressure on other organs.
  •  Explain the link between sunbathing and skin cancer.

    Because sun’s radiation contains ultra violet radiation, this causes mutation of genes which control division.
  •  Drugs are used to treat cancer. At what phase in the cell cycle would each of the following drugs act?
    A drug that prevents DNA replication
    A drug that prevents spindle fibres shortening

    Interphase / S phase