
Cards (5)

  • what is ecosystem resilience?
    the ability of an ecosystem to survive and recover from a disturbance e.g. a drought
  • how are wetlands important?
    • act as water purifiers as reeds and rushes trap pollutants
    • they have high biodiversity
    • they recharge aquifers
    • they are a habitat for birds, fish and other aquatic organisms
    • they mitigate against flood risk by soaking up water and slowing the flow of water
  • importance of forests?
    • carbon store - 2nd largest
    • tropical rainforests produce 28% of oxygen
    • provide food, shelter and fuel
    • home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity
  • how can droughts affect wetlands?
    less precipitation = less infiltration and percolation = less water in the system, so they can't recharge aquifers and purify water so water quality will fall. also less infiltration = less water for vegetation to take up so they die and no longer act as habitats so biodiversity decreases
  • how can droughts impact forests?
    increases the susceptibility of pine trees and fir trees to fungal infections, causing them to die
    soil moisture deficit = less water for plants to uptake --> negative multiplier effect --> global carbon store is destroyed --> worsens climate change