Binary fission

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  • What differentces are there between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

    Prokaryotic cells do not have membrane bound organelles, a nucleus or chromosomes.
    They have a single, single circular DNA molecule and plasmids.
  • How do prokaryotic cells divide?

    Binary fission
  • Does binary fission use spindle apparatus?
  • What happens instead of a spindle apparatus?

    The circular DNA molecule begins replication and then attaches each copy to various parts of the cell membrane.
    When the cell starts to get drawn apart, the original and replicated DNA get apart.
  • What's the first step of binary fission?

    Cell replicates its circular DNA
  • What is step two?
    Any plasmids present undergo DNA replication.
  • What is step three?
    The cytoplasmic membrane elongates, and begins to pinch inward separating DNA molecules.
  • What is step 4?
    A cross wall begins to form eventually dividing the cell into two.
  • Why may the two daughter cells not be genetically identical?
    Because there may be a variable number of copies of the plasmids.
  • Why may the two daughter cells not be genetically identical?
    Because there may be a variable number of copies of the plasmids.