Ridolfi Plot

Cards (4)

  • Year of the Ridolfi Plot?
  • What were the aims of the Ridolfi plot?
    • Murder Elizabeth
    • Launch a Spanish invasion
    • Marry MQS to the Duke of Norfolk and put her on throne
  • What happened? - The Ridolfi Plot
    • Ridolfi meets with the Duke of Alba, Phillip II and the Pope in the Netherlands
    • Ridolfi had a letter signed by the Duke of Norfolk declaring that he was Catholic and would lead a rebellion if supported by Phillip II
    • Phillip II told the Duke of Alba to prepare 10,000 men to invade England
    • Sir William Cecil uncovered the plot in 1571 and had evidence of letters in code that proved Norfolk guilty
  • What were the consequences of the Ridolfi Plot?
    • Norfolk was charged with high treason and was executed June 1572
    • Elizabeth did not take action against Mary
    • Elizabeth tries to make better relations with France as Spain has become a clear threat