Personal computers have many components list 7 forms?
Input devices
Output devices
Graphics card
What does a usb storage device count as?
What is a GPU?
Graphics processing unit
Graphics card has the GPU and also memory
RAM holds data temporarily (volatile) and has high speeds, it is used as main memory with the CPU
Grahpics card is?
THe daughterboard that handles graphics
Utility software helps to manage, control, and maintain the computer system
Utility software such as disk partitioning tools, but it can also be programs that can be downloaded such as anti-virus
Application software are programs that can be installed onto a system or available through the cloud.
IDEs code development tools:
Source code editor
Source code editor - a form of text editor which makes it easier for writing and editing code
Compiler - used to convert source code into machine code that computer can be used by the computer
Debugger - all software coding can contain errors and bugs, debuggers provide tools to remove errors from code
Assembler - a program that converts assembly (low-level) into machine code
Linker - Collects and maintains object files and combines them into an exe
A feature is something that a digital system has associated with it's functionality
A benefit is the outcome from using the digital system
A drawback is something that can have a negative impact on a business
RAID 1 is when data is stored identically on two drives. The second drive acts as redundancy.
A RAID 5 contains three or more drives with blocks of data being striped across the multiple drives. Parity bits (pieces of code that allow those blocks to be dictated as correct or incorrect).
Due to the data being striped the performance is great as it could be read all at the same time. Raid 5 can only deal with one drive completely failing
A RAID 10 Combines disk mirroring and disk striping, and requires four drives. The four disks are split in two to pairs, fast data transfer speeds because of the striping and good redundancy because of the mirror image.
NAS is a storage centered device that is connected to the network and acts as a central point for the storage, management, and access of files.
Virtual environments allow businesses to interact with a versatile system that; because of it's temporary ad-hoc nature, does not need a lot of maintenance and is therefore cost-effective
A Storage area network is a network of interconnected storage devices that can be accessed through computers and servers
SAN store, manage, and protect data
SANs use block storage where data is broken down into 'blocks'.
SANs generally use fiber-optic cabling between devices
Disk defragmentation can only be done to?
Hard drive
Disk defragmentation does what?
Collates data storage into specific locations
Disk defragmentation organises and rearranges the file fragments (parts of the file), to be nearer to other parts of the file
Disk defragmentationn improves two things what are they?
disk seek time
disk read time
Sensors can be either active or passive
A sensor can be classified by whether it is active or passive, but what two other classifications an be used?
Detection methodology
Way they work with data
2 examples of the 'way they work with data' mean as a classification type for sensors?
2 examples of detection methodology as a sensor classification?
A sensor allows you to take properties of the physical world and translate it to input (analogue or digital)