Reward and Punishment

Cards (26)

  • Free will states that all behaviour results from a person's own active volition- we are 'self-determining'
  • Free will thinks that we are free from causal influences, each person has the freedom to control what they do
  • When people are acting with free will, they are not acting in response to any external or internal pressures
  • Humanism states that we make choices about how we behave and we should pursue what we find fulfilling
  • Humanism believes in free will
  • Humanism states that a person's inborn potential influences their behaviour and then we seek out experiences to fulfil that potential
  • A problem with humanism is that we cannot always do what will fulfil us as it can lead to immorality and crime
  • If we aren't in control, we can't be held responsible for our actions
  • Cognitive neuroscience states that our minds, thoughts and ideas can all be tracked back to the brain's inner workings
  • Neural activity is governed by the laws of physics
  • Determinism is the position that all thought and behaviour is controlled by forces which are outside of a person's individual control or choice
  • Determinism includes internal and external influences
  • Many of our physiological and neurological processes are not in our control: fight or flight, mental disorders, temperament
  • Behaviourists believe that actions can be explained through external forces within the environment
  • Psychic determinism
    • Freud's psychodynamic approach
  • Freud's psychodynamic approach emphasises the role of the unconscious in determining behaviour
  • Freud states that our personality is formed as a result of innate drives and early experiences
  • Freud argues that fixation during psychosexual development causes fixations, which can determine aspects of our personality
  • Hard determinism: suggests all human behaviour has an internal or external cause that can be investigated
  • Fatalistic- the behaviour is fixed
  • Soft determinism- sees behaviour as having a cause but we have mental control over the way we behave
  • Predictable- the behaviour is likely to happen
  • One of the basic assumptions of science is causality
  • Causality in science allows general laws to be established and phenomena to be predicted or controlled and experimented on
  • Determinism assumes that behaviour has a cause
  • Free will is hard to measure and control