Social Identity Theory

Cards (13)

  • What did Tajfel and Turner (1979, 1986) suggest?

    Our self-concept is made up of many social identities. They're linked to the social groups we're a part of
  • What does Social Identity Theory suggest?

    We have a strong desire to belong, and our self-esteem is based on being accepted
  • What is an Ingroup?

    The group we see ourselves belonging to
  • What is an Outgroup?

    Anyone who is not part of the Ingroup
  • What is Social Categorisation?

    A basic characteristic we have no control over, that dictates who we think is and isn't like us
  • What did Tajfel and Turner argue about Social Categorisation?

    The mere existence of an Outgroup is enough to bring prejudice
  • What is Social Identification?

    The adopting of beliefs, values and attitudes of the groups we see ourselves belonging too
  • What might someone do when undergoing Social Identification?

    Alter their behavior to fit with the norm of the group
  • What can Social Identification change about us?

    The way we behave and think, as a new social identity forms
  • What is Social Comparison?

    When an individual makes comparisons with their Outgroup to boost their self-esteem
  • Example of Social Comparison
    We may view our Ingroup's achievements in an exaggerated manner, and an Outgroup's achievements to be caused by Situational Factors
  • What is Positive Distinctiveness?

    When we are motivated to perceive our Ingroup in our positive light - differences are emphasised and differences are minimised
  • What could these Cognitive Processes lead to?

    Discrimination - treating someone differently